March 23 - Updates & Print Run!

Hi, hello! Fancy seeing you here. Today I'm happy to announce V2 of KITEG: something nobody really asked for, but damn if I'm not buzzing about it. When I wrote and turned around V1 of this small stinker of an adventure, I was trying desperately to shake off the dust of bad writing habits and to put something new into the world specifically for the Bastards. RPG system. The text was rushed and repetitive in parts, the adventure was OK but not like insanely impressive or anything, and there wasn't really any reason to stick your neck out and get impaled on poison spears by a bunch of gross kobolds and their child queen. 

WELL, NOW, FRIENDS, ALL OF THAT HAS CHANGED. We've got a splash of red on both covers, a couple text edits, and the monster at the end has a ticking clock associated with it. Wowee! Really, these are small changes but I think they make it considerably better. Especially that splash of red. Have you checked out the splash of red? 

Additionally, with the help and insistence of your pal and mine, Matthew Morris AKA ManaDawn Tabletop Games, we're doing a limited print run of the dang thing. Placed the order this morning and I'm excited to get it into some hands. Just a li'l 16-page A6 physical artifact to have and to hold. Let me know in the comments if you'd like a copy: I'm talking with a couple storefronts right now, with more info on that coming shortly. 

Next up? I genuinely like the Bastards. format and feel, and with the ongoing Year of the Bastard jam, I'd like to write (and/or revise?) a thing or two. Depending on how the print run goes, there might be an opportunity for another printing. T. B. D.

Thanks for hanging in there, and really, try the grilled cheese.


Mar 09, 2023
Mar 09, 2023

Get kobolds. in the equipment graveyard

Buy Now$5.00 USD or more


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(1 edit) (+1)

This looks great excited for the print run... I bet the splash of red will slap! Where will the physicals be sold? Spear Witch perhaps?

TBD! Monkey’s Paw Games will have some copies but I’m still asking around elsewhere. Soon as I know for sure I’ll update here!

Sent 20 to Spear Witch today! 


so excited for a print run!!!


keen to get a print copy of this!